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The sky is bright, my Father, with the morning light. Always after night there is a new day. Always after the winter there is a springtime. Always after the seed is dropped in the soil to die, new life springs forth. Always after the tough times, there comes the recovery. Always, my Father, when a penitent, contrite heart bows in repentance before you, there comes the joy of fresh pardon. And so now, my Father, I come, expecting good things to happen, for I have stepped into the circle of your love, and I find mercy and Your peace here. Strength is coming like a warm rain driven by warm winds. Healing is coming through the living Christ. Thank You, Father, Amen. Thank you, Lord, that You have come to give us affir- mation as persons, salvation as sinners, to turn us into the potential people of being a part of this world's solu- tion, messengers of real love. Thank You, Jesus Christ, I accept You as my Savior. I accept You for all the for- giveness that I need. I embrace your holy cross, and by the sacrifice of Your precious life, I have been made clean. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Amen.

With permission
From "Prayers for Positive Faith" copyright (c) 1996, 1984
by Robert H. Schuller and Paul David Dunn