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A Prayer for New Hope!

O Father, I look around me to see the beautiful world
which You have given me.

The majestic mountains, the restful blue skies, and the towering trees
are all the handiwork of Your greatness.

As the wistful breezes stir the air, so, O Lord, stir my heart and fill my life
with Your loving Spirit.

Reach down and touch my life with Yours,
For with Your special touch, O Lord, I am changed.

I gain new hope, when all around I see despair.
I receive new faith, when struggles and hurts are great.
I am bathed in Your peace, when tensions and worries abound.
And bright ideas come, when all possibilities seem lost.
So it is no wonder that I am glad that I come with praise and thankfulnesss.
For I know that Your goodness will never end.

I rejoice in the assurance that even now You are leading me into new
and challenging possibilities.

Hear me now as I pray. Amen.

With Permission
The Possibility Thinkers Bible (NKJV)
Eagles Club Edition
Prayers for Positive Faith
Copyright 1996, 1984 
by Robert H. Schuller and Paul David Dunn