Finding my other half.
Having left my ex-husband in ‘65, the year was now ‘84. At times I felt lonely, almost twenty years is a long time to go it alone. Every thing is so much nicer if you have someone to share it with. I would say to myself, okay next week I will go out and perhaps I will meet someone.
When it was the weekend, I usually was too tired to go anywhere, and I would stay home again.
I did meet someone in church, but he was just a friend, I could not feel anything for him other than friendship.
We went out sometimes for that was better than sitting home alone.
In the States I had a car accident and while wearing a neck brace, I joined a correspondence club, but that did not work out either.
In Canada I found a little Dutch newspaper and saw the personal ads in there. I replied to a few of them and found it to be heart breaking at times, so many unhappy people all looking for a mate. One day a scripture jumped into my mind; "You have not because you asked not!" That was a fact!
Why had I never brought it to the Lord in prayer?
I have often found that I don't pray enough about things. I forget! We are at times like children; “why won’t you let daddy help you?” “I don’t need help because I can do it by my self!”
When we have made a mess of things again, we remember that we could have asked for help. I think it is more natural to try to do things on our own.
Well hearing that scripture that I had not because I had asked not, that had to have been put there by the Lord. I told Him that He was right and let’s do something about it now.
So I started to put down on a piece of paper, all that I was looking for in a man. I told a friend at work what had happened, and showed her what I had written down.
The first thing she said was that this man did not exist. I said; “Sue, with God everything is possible!” It just made her madder at me. Sue really wanted me to find someone, but when she saw my list of wants, she thought that I was asking too much. She said that I was too picky. I told her that this was true and the older I was getting, the pickier I became.
I had gone out with this guy from church for a few months. I had found out that this fellow did not know a “hammer from a screwdriver.”
I had never met someone who was that unhandy.
Remembering what the Lord had said that I did not have someone, because I had never asked, I asked if the man I was looking for could also be a handy man.
I was reading a little Dutch newspaper, when an ad got my attention; it was from a man looking for a friend. There were other ads, but this one was different. The ad was very simple, but the man was younger than I was, six and a half years in fact.
Because I did not have good experience in the past with answering a personal ad, I ignored it. It was like the Lord was saying for me to answer it.
I know it had to be the Lord, because I don't argue with myself. People have asked me, how do you know it is not your own thoughts?
Well as I just said, when I know that the thought is not my own, can not be my own, for I don't even agree and when I find that I am answering by arguing back, you just know that it did not come from yourself. I did not answer the ad that time.
Two weeks later that same ad appeared again. I heard it again: “Answer it!”
“But Lord I have tried it that way before, and I really don't like to go that route again, besides the man is too young for me.”
Again I heard for me too answer it. Really to stop His voice, I said okay, okay Lord I will and I did! That is how I found my Hugo.
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